Monday, March 2, 2009

Can you tell I was homeschooled?

If you have an account on Face book, I'm sure you've seen this. Every time someone has tagged me, it has been as either the shy one or the geek. Psh, I blame both of those on my former home education :) Also -I could be wrong- but I think it should be "the one who," not "the one that."

Anyways, I'm sick. Well, actually I don't feel horrible, but my nose is runny. Ew. Sorry I haven't written in about 300 billion katrillion years. I've been super-busy with track, school, karate, church, homework, studying, etc. *Sigh.* I'm ready for some Spring Break! It's March! My Birthday month. Woot woot. Actually, not woot woot, because I'm not really looking forward to my birthday, but whatever. I finished my first research paper yesterday! Actually, I did one last year, but I never finished it because I was home schooled, and homeschoolers never finish anything. Ha ha. And while I'm on the subject of homeschooling, I really wasn't a hardcore homeschooler, because they are really proud of the fact that they don't wear pajamas while doing schoolwork or wake up until around 11, but I did both of those. However, I'm still virtually 96% more sheltered than the kids at my school. Not that I mind that. Anywho..
I really don't have that much to say.

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

i don't know about never finishing anything...but we [homeschoolers] definately don't finish research papers, book reports, etc. and
sheesh, how "hardcore" can homeschoolers get? i'm not sure... great, you've given me another thing to think about/contemplate...
but anyway, sorry your sick...

snr4gvn said...

You're in track and karate? Wow, I can't see you doing either of those haha.