Wednesday, January 14, 2009

be still and breathe...

Hi, folks!

Man, I've had homework out the wazoo this week and tons of other random things to do like cleaning and laundry and such. Thank goodness for the whole "Christian school, less homework on Wednesdays" deal. I know they think it's just so we can go to church, but I think that subconsciously, they just want me to have a chance to update my blog because they miss it. Admit it, Administration, you've missed my blog. So you told all my teachers to cut back on homework tonight so you could get your fix of feeble attempts at humor, intellect, and writing in general.
Well, regardless of the reason, I'm glad for a chance to blog AND go to church. It's the best of both worlds. Ha ha, my youth pastor said that tonight and this kid started singing the Hannah Montana song. It was pretty funny, but I think I was the only one that heard him, so I just laughed to myself, slightly awkwardly.

So, apparently it is my week for drama, because there was church drama tonight. Church drama. Honestly, does that even happen? Thankfully, though, my church friends are super cool and pretty much just blew it off, so church was still fun. Woo, good times! haha.

It's supposed to get down into the teens tonight and tomorrow, so everyone's all stressed and worried about staying warm. People are trying to stay home as much as possible; it's pretty crazy. (Can you tell I live in the South?) But I'm not worried. Is it even possible to be worried when I have a space heater, a Slanket, and a pretty new ski coat in my possession? I think not.
Nevertheless, roughly 79.0008% of Facebook statuses (stati?) include the words "burr," "cold," and "is."

I finished The Shack on Sunday. Wow. Once I reached Chapter 6, I could hardly put it down; I underlined a good portion of it too. I've only read a few reviews on it from a Christian viewpoint that actually like it. It's definitely different, and I'm not going to use the "it's fiction, get over it" excuse, but it is important to remember that it's not the Bible. It's just a book, written by a mortal man. It feels too straightforward to be fiction at times, but he brings some crazy new ideas to the table and I think a lot can be learned from it. This book does an amazing job of taking God out of the box we put Him in and helping us to see Him more clearly. It shows an incredibly loving side of God; a God who isn't limited and would do whatever He had to do to save us from ourselves, whether that's death on a cross or showing up at a run-down shack in the dead of Winter.
I recommend it highly.

Much love,

1 comment:

Kaycee Lee said...

oo i might read that book