Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's that time of year

Hello, friends!

As cliche as they are, I absolutely love end-of-the-year blog posts, If you share this love, you're in luck! Here we go...


Two-thousand nine was wonderful and horrible. I suppose most years are. Between school health issues, and plenty of relationship issues, this year has worn me out. I have definitely cried enough to fill a pond (hopefully one filled with fish!). But I have learned so much this year. I can't even begin to tell you the things the Lord has done in my little life over the past few months. He's taught me so much. He has convicted me of so many things: not fun, but I'm so very thankful that He does. I've even seen Him work in a place like my school. He has told me to do things, and I have felt the joy of obedience and the regret of disobedience. He has given me a deeper love for Him. Oh my. It's so much more than what I know how to say (is that a song?). This year I actually did things. Small things, but things I believed in.
2009: A year of change, growth, difficulty, and joy.


I will wake up on Friday, and I will still have guillain barre. I will still be in school, and I will still have strained relationships. Two-thousand ten will bring new trials and fresh tears. That being said, the new year will also hold laughter and joy. I cannot wait to find out what the Lord has planned. I'm not really a resolution type person (nor am I a crazy, psycho non-resolution type person), but I do have a few goals. I want to memorize the New Testament, run a half-marathon, not buy a single article of clothing for myself, and read 40 books (I know that doesn't seem like very many, but I am an insanely slow reader).


Much Love,

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