Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vanilla-ey Deliciousness and Some of the Weird Things I Do

Hey kids. Hope all is well. I just have two more exams to go! Two stressful exams, but two exams nonetheless. I made a 95 in science and a 94 in Pre-Algebra. Um, yes!
I went to this Christmas play type thing at the biggest church within a 500-mile radius of where I live. It was pretty awesome, especially for a church. There was fire, lights, fast-paced songs, a spectacular set, and a nice storyline. Plus, I got to see some friends of mine that I haven't seen since May. I didn't get to talk to them, but I got to see them! That counts for something. Then we went to McDonald's and I got one of those ice cream cones. I don't know if you've ever had one, but it's like 10 inches of vanilla-ey deliciousness. In a cone. It's amazing. And they're only like a dollar.
Sometime in the course of the evening, the back of my phone came off. You know, the part that holds the battery in and has that cool thing you can push back and forth to make the back click on and off. So now my battery is being held in with tape. Not redneck at all.

I don't know if you do this too, but I act really strange around people I'm just meeting. Especially if they're the newbie and I'm not. Here's a list of weirds things I do around people I've just met:

1)Talk a lot. I know a few people reading this will be shocked that it's even possible for me to talk at all, let alone a lot. But I do. And instead of awkward silence, it's kind of like awkward noise.
2)Point things out about myself that may or may not be true. So we're just walking along, and I trip. Normally, I would just keep walking, but if I'm just getting to know you, I feel the need to say something like, "I tend to trip a lot, particularly over air or those annoying door-stoppers that, for some reason I can't comprehend, our school decided to put on the ground instead of on the wall."
3)Suddenly becoming really attentive. If I've known you for a while, it's likely that I'll tune out some of what you're saying. I'm sorry. But don't even try to pretend like you're always interested in what I have to say. However, if I'm getting to know you, I soak in every word you say and become about 30% nicer instantly.
4)Clam up. I won't really talk freely and comfortably till I've known you for a long time. A really long time. And there's even people I've known for years who I'm still not all that comfortable with. But then again, there's a few people I've known for less than a year who I could carry on a 4-hour long conversation with. (Sorry for ending with a preposition, grammar Nazis)Maybe I'm just weird.

Those are the main ones I can think of. The first 3 mainly apply to when the person I'm meeting is the new kid, and the 4th one applies to when I'm the new kid. Actually, it applies most of the time, but especially when I'm the new kid.

There's exactly 7 days till Christmas and I've bought exactly zero presents. Procrastination much?

Much Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha thats funny...cuz when i first met you you did everything in the world but clam up. you talked my ear off...making me alittle nerveous. i was like, "why did i even speak to her again? she isn't as shy as i thought...she could have made it on her own. i didn't have to get all friendly..."
lol. : ) just fyi.
