I was thinking earlier about how(and yes, I realize 'about how' is not grammatically correct but I don't know how else to word it) I can't remember the last time it rained on a Saturday...it's always sunny and now that band competitions are long gone, I don't really have anything fun to do. Which I like, seeing as I would so much rather stay in than go out which is lame but it's just how I am.
It's pretty much been a typical Saturday... I went back to sleep at around 5 and woke up at 8:30. Then Cory called and we had a nice little 10-minute chat to start our day off. Then I made some biscuits and gravy and hot chocolate with whipped cream..ahh. it was actually kind of gross and I still can't eat very well thanks to the stinkin' orthodontist! But it's all good. Then I finished New Moon(finally!) and started on Eclipse. Then I got hungry and my parents said I couldn't eat (child abuse much? =]) until I cleaned my room, which I was not too happy about, but I listened to Relient K and UnderOATH so that made it better. And then, my dad finally agreed that he said he would order pizza after 30 minutes, not an hour of cleaning so he got those and my little family of 4 devoured 2 large pizzas in about 10 minutes. I only got 3 pieces...my family is very competitive when eating pizza, apparently. You snooze, you lose.
We just finished watching "The Christmas Box" and we're fixing to start "Miracle on 34th Street". Have you ever noticed how every Christmas movie in the entire world ends with a gentle snow falling and a happy family or just happy people in general? (another awkward question mark..) I mean, is there a rule book that says there has to be snow falling at the end of a Christmas movie or it can't be realeased? And what if Christmas was a bad day for someone? What if their cat died and they just didn't feel like putting on 18 layers of clothes to go outside and spin around joyfully in the snow? And what about people in the South who have rarely experience this snowy phenomenon? What if they just got a Wii? Are they still expected to go outside and gasp at the huge snowflakes falling all around? Can people who have seen more than 3 Christmas movies in their lifetime completely destroy everything I worked hard to build in this paragraph? Was it all a waste of time? *Sigh* These are the questions that keep me awake at night.
*Awkward transition between 2 completely unrelated paragraphs*
I've choked like 18 times today, my sister almost got in a wreck and my dog almost died of a spaz attack...so be thankful we're still here. But my parents both said they weren't aware of any life-endangering situations for them today. So there's a plus! But there's still 2 more hours left in the day, a lot could happen.
My thoughts on Twilight/New Moon:
I definitely wasn't planning on reading Twilight, but since I had it in my possession, I figured I'd read a few pages. But after, say, a sentence, I couldn't put it down. I stayed up till 2 A.M. the first night I started it, then finished it the next day. Of course I couldn't stop after that, I had to read New Moon, so I borrowed it and it took me over a week to finish. I loooooove how Stephenie writes, but it doesn't really get all that interesting until like the 18th chapter, where all the action picks up and then the strings are finally tied, so I have to push myself to get through the significantly more boring first three-fourths. Of the first 2, I would say New Moon is better because there was a lot more suspense and action and craziness, but it definitely needed Twilight to be more understood.
There are a lot of people at my church who aren't allowed to read it because it's about vampires and werewolves or whatever, but i'm pretty sure that's why it's called FICTION. Anyways, I love these books and totally recommend them!
Guess I should go to sleep so I can wake up and go to church!
Much Loveeee,
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