Sunday, July 17, 2011

praise God from whom all blessings flow

Hello dear friends!

Church today was the most beautiful experience...we got there too late to hear the sermon, as usual...but every moment of it was beautiful...All my friends are finally back in town, so it was like one big family reunion. And God is their lives. I've been praying for my dear friend Ashley for several months; she shared with me one day the many struggles she was having and I prayed that Christ would captivate her and that she would give up all her empty pursuits and pursue Christ alone...and today she told me of the changes taking place in her life and how while she was on a mission trip to Ohio last week, she "rededicated" her life to Christ. so beautiful. I'm more convinced than ever that Christ is worthy of absolutely everything I could give. In seeking Him and pursuing Him and obeying Him, He fills my heart with greater joy than anything else could. My friend Andrea's brother was saved while in Ohio! She's been praying for him, as have many other people, and we are so excited about this! 4 other people were saved on the trip and apparently just about everyone had a majorly life-changing come-to-Jesus meeting. Praise God times infinity! It's amazing how so much of what happened in Ohio mirrored what happened in Kentucky. The Lord saved 5 people! And I think I speak for the entire team (or at least for AHAM) that we are changed. It is so beautiful to be with people who love Christ and pursue Him and wrestle with Him. I love them so much and I'm so thankful for their friendship.

Anyways, I have so much more to process and so much more is happening than I can write about and to every sentence there are a thousand subtexts, but basically, God is good. And as my mom said to me earlier, we need to be prepared because where God is at work, Satan is at work. I know that sounds dumb, but it's true. But we have the ultimate victory over him and because of that, we can have victory over him in the next few weeks and months as we figure out how to glorify God with changed hearts.

Much Love,
Marissa Lanae

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