Hey friends!
I'm currently on Day 7 of 12 at the Rhodes Summer Writing Institute! In the past 7 days, I've written 8 papers. Crazy! I've been learning all about post-modernism, feminism, the iceberg principle, analyzing literature, the meaning of literature, hipsters, spelling, and so much more! ha. Even though at various times this past week I have had cry fests in the community bathroom and promised myself I would never write another word after I got home, I've really grown in my love for the art. The people in my class are so incredibly talented that it inspires me to work to get better. Usually I'm one of the better writers in my grade and I'm near the top of my class, but here everyone reads impressive books and makes good grades and gets complimented on his/her writing ability. So, needless to say, I'm being really challenged and inspired.
And I'm also the only one who has never read Harry Potter. I'm not allowed, ok?! haha.
I was pretty nervous about coming here because of all the crazy medical issues I've been dealing with, but I literally rested for the entire week that I was supposed to go to the beach so I felt quite a bit better. And I prayed about coming here and felt really at peace with my decision to come. And I'm so glad I did!
I've learned so much spiritually, academically, and relationally. It's been a really big culture shock; I realized that I've never really been anywhere that didn't fall under the "Christian" umbrella...I've either homeschooled or gone to a private Christian school, gone to church, church camps, mission trips, etc. Here it's just...different. There isn't a devotional in the morning or a prayer before meals, no Christianeze or worship services. But I feel like having that freedom has strengthened my relationship with the Lord and my faith family. I might share more later, but trust me, the Lord has majorly, majorly, majorly (I repeat things for emphasis. Emphasis!) opened my eyes to a lot of things.
And some of those eye-opening things have been a part of the inspiration Kendyl and I and a few other people have had to plan a party for the girls in our youth group. I'm really excited to get to know the girls better. This week I've realized how imperative it is to not only be remaining in and seeking the Lord but also to encourage and support and live in unison with other believers. And I'm hoping this will help develop stronger relationships and everything. And if not, at least it will be fun! ;)
Well, I'm gonna head out and find something fun to do... that's another thing; I've been socializing so much this week...I'll have to write more about that later. haha.
Much Love,
Marissa Lanae
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