Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm kinda busy, kinda busy, kinda bih-zayyy

Do you ever have one of those times in life when you just have so much going on that you feel certain you're about to collapse?

I'm pretty sure that's happening now for me. I have 3 hefty projects and 2 large research papers due within the next 25 days, along with the usual hugemungus amount of schoolwork I have to do. Along with applying for fancy summer writing camps and actually writing a lot so I don't embarrass myself in case I get into aforementioned camps. And keeping up with chores and Sunday School stuff and reading. And that just scratches the surface, really.

And I love it.

I love being busy and having all these responsibilities and learning how to deal with hectic schedules and long days and late nights. I love learning to depend on God on a minute-ly basis for strength and wisdom. I remember one time Kendyl and I were watching The Office and one of the ladies (I can't remember her name, which is sad) said "I'm head of the party-planning committee. I love being head of the party-planning committee." And at that exact moment, I decided to adopt the same attitude toward all of my commitments and such. I love the things I get to do.

But that being said, things can get pretty intense.

Succeeding and meeting goals aren't the most important things in life, but they're part of the story I want to tell during this time in my life. And doing so means working really hard and giving up things you want to do and staying at home while all your friends our out D-NOW-ing it up (ahem).

And sometimes, as a wise friend once said to me, "Responsibility stinks." That it does. But things could be much, much worse.

Anyways, this is kind of a random post and I'm pretty sure I'm half asleep right now. But this is basically my thought process at the moment. I think it's good to write down your thoughts (or at least the thoughts and attitude you want to have) so you can pull it out and feel inspired whenever all the bad-attitude-Bobs and negative Nancies try to harsh your mellow.
(Not that you have to some crazy way-too-optimistic clown or anything...I just think a good attitude is a good thing to have, you know).

And just remember, when life gets tough and overwhelming, "It's only time. But it flies right by. And today is sweeter than we know."

Much Love,
Marissa Lanae

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