Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Gulfport Post

Hello friends!

So, tomorrow is definitely my last day of spring break and I'm definitely sad about that. This past week has truly passed so quickly. I'll try to fill you in on everything that's happened...

We left bright and early Saturday morning for Gulfport! Oh man, where do I begin talking about this trip? It was so great. I learned so much and deepened so many relationships. It was nothing short of beautiful. Two of my closest friends went this year, whereas last year I was hardly acquaintances with anyone who went. Their being there definitely presented some new challenges.

For one, there was some major cliquey-ness going on in the beginning, but we prayed about it quite a bit and by the end of the week, we had all grown so much closer to each other. That's not to say that everything was peachy-keen at the end of the week because there was/is definitely still tension and conflict, but I'd say we all made an effort to reach out to each other.

Another challenge was in guarding words. I'm a pretty quiet person so I know I don't struggle with "taming my tongue" as much as some people do, but I still struggle with it. The pastor at the church we worked with challenged us on Sunday morning to be encouragers, both through our words and through our actions. A lot of times I kind of feel like I get a free pass on the whole "words of encouragement" thing because I'm really quiet and sensitive and feel entitled to receiving encouragement rather than giving it. But some of the most outgoing girls there were talking about how much hope a single hug or word of encouragement can bring them on the most hopeless days. One of the girls said something along the lines of "When you're having a bad day, the first thing you're going to think of is the unkind words spoken to you as a joke." We can do so much with our words; they have power for life or death, literally. I want to speak words of life and love and not waste my time "jokingly" tearing other people down when I have the opportunity to build them up. I think back to all the times I've been bullied and I wonder how different my life might be had people used their words to encourage me rather than taunt me.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm not glad they went; I completely am and I'm so grateful for these challenges... It was just so very different from last year.

The lady who chaperoned us, Ms. Barbra, challenged us all to learn one new fact about each of the girls there. I absolutely loved learning more about everyone. I definitely want to start getting to know all of my friends better.

Another thing I loved was "circle time." Each night we would circle up in the main room of our trailer, sitting on teensy tiny chairs, and just talk for hours. We laughed and cried and prayed and sang. We poured our hearts out and received attention, support, and encouragement. I miss circle time with the trailer girls!

I had the greatest birthday EVER on Tuesday. I was sung to eight stinking times. And there was much cake involved. And many texts and phone calls. And many "Happy Birthday"s. And plenty of embarrassment. ;) I've genuinely never felt so loved. It was a wonderful day.

I met so many interesting people and had so many great experiences. I know there's a lot more to say, but I'll leave it at this for now. :)

Much Love,
Marissa Lanae

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I miss it so much :')