#1: Being Rich
Most parents either own businesses or have really fancy jobs, and they are not at all sad about their wealth. They enjoy glazing right over verses such as Matthew 19:24 and Proverbs 11:4.
#2: Showing Off Their Richness
Whether it's using iPhones, wearing Uggs, sporting Coach purses, or inviting you to their ginormous houses, they thoroughly enjoy letting you know that they are, in fact, rich.
#3: Disliking Obama for Stupid Reasons
I can't tell you the number of times I have heard someone say "I hate Obama. I mean, he's not even black. He's half-white." Big deal. If you're going to dislike him, dislike him because of his policies and actions, not his skin color.
#4: Being Unnaturally Pretty
They love songs like "More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz. They love makeup and shopping . They are so darn pretty, and they know it. Sometimes I would very much like to give them a bad haircut or something.
#5: Not Getting Angry About Anything
They are so stinking happy. They don't get angry about anything meaningful.
#6: Being Moody
While they are abnormally happy, their world can end in a matter of minutes if you do something that offends them or one of their beloved friends.
#7: Drama
They say they hate drama, but don't be fooled. They love it. If they hated it as much as they say they do, they wouldn't start it.
#8: Having terrible taste in music
Mainstream radio. 'Nuff said.
#9: The c-word, the s-word, and the f-word
Yes, I am well aware that they are not "real cuss words"; they're "replacements." They are still rather annoying. Find some new words, kids.
#10: Living by Titus 1:16
"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him." I could write a whole book on this one. A few weeks ago, a lady spoke in chapel. She then told everyone who wanted to stand for Christ to take off their shoes and stand at the front of the sanctuary with her. I watched some of the meanest, most perverted, unChristlike people take off their $500 shoes and stand with her. I couldn't bring myself to go down. If those people are representing Jesus, I sincerely hope I am not.
#11: Being better than me
They are prettier, smarter, more talented, cooler, and funnier than I am, and their goal in life is to make sure I never forget that.
#12: Making sure you know they aren't racist
Any time they say the word "black," they feel the need to punctuate their sentence with "but I'm not racist!"
#13: Taking A Lot Of Pictures Of Themselves
They have those "Me!!" albums on Facebook with about a bajillion pictures of themselves in a variety of dumb poses. Oh the narcissism.
#14: Kids
They love kids. They love babysitting and taking pictures of kids and making sure everyone knows they "served" at VBS.
#15: Making Out in the Parking Lot
It's one of their favorite hobbies actually. They just stand there and make some purple.
#16: Disrespecting Authority
My grandmother was innocently driving through the parking lot when this stupid girl nearly gave her the finger. And that's mild compared to some of the things I've heard them say about their parents and the faculty.
#17: Thinking They're Poor
I once heard two girls complaining about how poor they are. They go to an expensive school. They have nice cars and huge houses. When they were discussing their misfortune, they were holding their iPhones and wearing $30 shorts. I kid you not.
Although I might be someone you're speaking of, you have a very good point. I like your blog. You have fact with what you write. Good job.
#4: I hate "More Beautiful You"
#5: They're so fake. They're never real. I hate it.
#6: Oh so true. Ugh. They're some of the most judgmental and unaccepting people I've ever met.
#9: I don't entirely understand.
#10: I know, I hated that. I wouldn't have gone down either if I hadn't been in the sound booth.
#11: They're snobs; what can I say?
#12: I'll admit that I'm somewhat racist. How can we not be? Blacks and whites (and the other ethnicities) are all extremely different. I just happen to have a preference for my own because I know it best. Therefore I prefer the Caucasian race, and am therefore racist. At least I'm big enough to admit it.
#13: Those are annoying.
#15: I've only seen two people doing this (senior and sophomore), but it's somewhat disturbing. They don't go together at all.
#16: I think it's better than at most schools.
#17: People at our school make me laugh. I wish I could see their reactions when they get into the real world. It'd be even better if God decided to make them a modern-day Job.
Anyway, good observations. Like I said, you're *going* to do AP English your junior year. It's not an option.
Nice post. Makes me feel lucky to be homeschooled. haha. But I can still sorta relate. Probably not as much as others...
BTW- I think most people are slightly racists whether they admit it or not. I happen to know Asians are the worst at it.
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