"It's amazing how they can be so happy with so little."
That is something I often hear from people who come home from trips to places like Africa and Mexico. It doesn't make sense, yet it's intriguing. Or maybe it's intriguing because it doesn't make sense. To most Americans, contentment is a foreign concept (both literally and figuratively). We buy when we don't need anything. We eat when we're bored. We brag about our possessions. We spend money on Starbucks and vitamin water simply because they're status symbols. We buy expensive cars. We like to be seen as rich, powerful, and attractive.
But what if we were content with what we have. It's not a radical idea, really. It's in the Bible. We are merely temporary inhabitants of the Earth. We have our own culture in Heaven.
Love doesn't make sense. Peace doesn't make sense. Forgiveness doesn't make sense. The Holy Spirit doesn't make sense. The fact that one man can die and save the entire human race doesn't make sense.
God is intriguing because He doesn't reveal Himself to us all in one sitting. We must follow Him. We must read His words. He is mysterious to us.
We are made in His image.
Are we not supposed to be like God?
Perhaps we were reborn as mysterious creatures. Perhaps we are not supposed to make sense.
Perhaps people are supposed to look at us and how we live and wonder. Perhaps. Perhaps we shouldn't be the path to enlightenment; perhaps we should show and preach the Path. Perhaps the Lord has spoken and we are to obey. Perhaps we should be intriguing. Perhaps merely following God is a mystery in itself. Perhaps a basis of worship is mystery.
The Bible says that Jesus is the mystery of God.
Let's be like Jesus.
Let's let His words change our lives.
Let's follow God and, in doing so, become enigmatic.
1 comment:
Contentment is so far out of reach for most people, including myself! I try to tell myself every day that life is good, I have enough success, and I don't need anymore! But it's so easy to believe that we need a little more, and we never see people who have nothing at all.
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