"It's amazing how they can be so happy with so little."
That is something I often hear from people who come home from trips to places like Africa and Mexico. It doesn't make sense, yet it's intriguing. Or maybe it's intriguing because it doesn't make sense. To most Americans, contentment is a foreign concept (both literally and figuratively). We buy when we don't need anything. We eat when we're bored. We brag about our possessions. We spend money on Starbucks and vitamin water simply because they're status symbols. We buy expensive cars. We like to be seen as rich, powerful, and attractive.
But what if we were content with what we have. It's not a radical idea, really. It's in the Bible. We are merely temporary inhabitants of the Earth. We have our own culture in Heaven.
Love doesn't make sense. Peace doesn't make sense. Forgiveness doesn't make sense. The Holy Spirit doesn't make sense. The fact that one man can die and save the entire human race doesn't make sense.
God is intriguing because He doesn't reveal Himself to us all in one sitting. We must follow Him. We must read His words. He is mysterious to us.
We are made in His image.
Are we not supposed to be like God?
Perhaps we were reborn as mysterious creatures. Perhaps we are not supposed to make sense.
Perhaps people are supposed to look at us and how we live and wonder. Perhaps. Perhaps we shouldn't be the path to enlightenment; perhaps we should show and preach the Path. Perhaps the Lord has spoken and we are to obey. Perhaps we should be intriguing. Perhaps merely following God is a mystery in itself. Perhaps a basis of worship is mystery.
The Bible says that Jesus is the mystery of God.
Let's be like Jesus.
Let's let His words change our lives.
Let's follow God and, in doing so, become enigmatic.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
this post would be cooler if it was written on recycled paper.
There is much to say and it always seems as if someone else says it better than I do. Tim Lambesis, for instance. He's the lead vocalist/lyricist for As I Lay Dying. I've been reading his lyrics and blog for the past thirty minutes and it seems as if Jesus likes to drop the same messages in our mailboxes. Here is an example: "Some people argue that fundamentalist Christians take the Bible too literally and that makes them exclusivist jerks. I would argue that most fundamentalists don't take the Bible literally enough, and that is why everyone thinks they're jerks. If not one single fundamentalist stored for himself riches and instead lived his life in service of the poor and oppressed, then I don't think anyone could really hate them for what they believe.In fact, if I'm allowed to define what I mean by the term fundamentalist, then I hope to be one someday; someone takes action as a result of believing in the literal truth of what Jesus said." (from his blog). Wowsers. And he consistently talks about giving to the poor and sacrificial love and all this amazing stuff that is so true. He's so concise, yet he perfectly gets his point across.
So, racism has come up a lot this week. We've been learning about the civil rights movement in my history class. I used to think it was an amazing movement (and I have to say that I admire the fact that they took strong action based on how passionate they were) but wow, I never realized how truly bad it was. I mean, let's start at the beginning. Slavery. Black slave owners in Africa sent their black slaves to us. The white plantation owners needed workers. They paid for them and got them. A few of the Africans were treated poorly. People of both races were against slavery. People of both races supported slavery. White folks fought a civil war that eventually turned into a fight about whether or not people should own slaves. White people gave their lives to free slaves. They became free and were given the opportunity to go back to Africa. Some did, but a lot of them didn't. Why? Could it be that conditions in America -even under slavery- were better than conditions in Africa? White people probably wanted them to go back. The slaves didn't belong here. They were merely slaves. This was the white man's land. And what gave the slaves the idea that they were going to become citizens? Whites didn't treat them as equals. Blacks didn't treat whites as equals. Discrimination went on for hundreds of years. Then the 1960s came. There was segregation. People didn't like that. Blacks were violent. Whites were violent. People died. Laws were passed. Yay, everybody's equal. Whatever. A lot of black people believe we are indebted to them because of slavery. A lot of whites believe we are indebted to blacks because of slavery. However, I think we are far more enslaved today than back then. I'm enslaved to being ruled by a President who was only elected because he's black. I'm enslaved to quotas. I'm enslaved to going to black doctors who only got into med school because they're black. My parents are enslaved to paying taxes that go to blacks so they can get Cadillacs, satellites, and drugs. So let's be color-blind. Let's remember that there is only one race: the human race.
(Yeah, right.)
So, elections got pushed until Monday. Everyone has been been using Facebook as a platform to get votes. How mature.
Ah, 4 weeks till Summer! I'm having such a hard time staying focused on and committed to my studies. Four weeks. I can make it. ha.
There's this fair type thing in my town called Spring fest. I'm so sick of hearing about it. I've heard dozens of conversations about it this week. I'm going to feel like such a conformist if I go. That's one of the downsides of being a teenager; you're rarely alone. I used to think it was a good thing but I'm so sick of being like everyone else and being able to relate to them. Well, maybe not everyone, but there are certainly a few people I'd rather not be able to relate to. Like this insanely hypocritical girl I know. She talks about God all the time which would be a beautiful thing, but she is one of the jerkiest people I know. Her face often pops into my mind when I read verses about staying away from the wicked. Will I ever learn to love everyone? I doubt it. People are so weird and insane. Although there is a guy I know who has really stepped up to the plate lately. He's really taking God seriously and being a leader. I don't think guys realize how much they affect girls when it comes to God.
Anywho, Earth Day was Wednesday! Have I ever openly expressed my love for recycled paper? I don't believe I have. I'm not really an environmentalist at all but that type of paper is just wonderful. I love to write on it. Haha.
Well, that's basically all I have to say.
Much love,
Marissa :)
So, racism has come up a lot this week. We've been learning about the civil rights movement in my history class. I used to think it was an amazing movement (and I have to say that I admire the fact that they took strong action based on how passionate they were) but wow, I never realized how truly bad it was. I mean, let's start at the beginning. Slavery. Black slave owners in Africa sent their black slaves to us. The white plantation owners needed workers. They paid for them and got them. A few of the Africans were treated poorly. People of both races were against slavery. People of both races supported slavery. White folks fought a civil war that eventually turned into a fight about whether or not people should own slaves. White people gave their lives to free slaves. They became free and were given the opportunity to go back to Africa. Some did, but a lot of them didn't. Why? Could it be that conditions in America -even under slavery- were better than conditions in Africa? White people probably wanted them to go back. The slaves didn't belong here. They were merely slaves. This was the white man's land. And what gave the slaves the idea that they were going to become citizens? Whites didn't treat them as equals. Blacks didn't treat whites as equals. Discrimination went on for hundreds of years. Then the 1960s came. There was segregation. People didn't like that. Blacks were violent. Whites were violent. People died. Laws were passed. Yay, everybody's equal. Whatever. A lot of black people believe we are indebted to them because of slavery. A lot of whites believe we are indebted to blacks because of slavery. However, I think we are far more enslaved today than back then. I'm enslaved to being ruled by a President who was only elected because he's black. I'm enslaved to quotas. I'm enslaved to going to black doctors who only got into med school because they're black. My parents are enslaved to paying taxes that go to blacks so they can get Cadillacs, satellites, and drugs. So let's be color-blind. Let's remember that there is only one race: the human race.
(Yeah, right.)
So, elections got pushed until Monday. Everyone has been been using Facebook as a platform to get votes. How mature.
Ah, 4 weeks till Summer! I'm having such a hard time staying focused on and committed to my studies. Four weeks. I can make it. ha.
There's this fair type thing in my town called Spring fest. I'm so sick of hearing about it. I've heard dozens of conversations about it this week. I'm going to feel like such a conformist if I go. That's one of the downsides of being a teenager; you're rarely alone. I used to think it was a good thing but I'm so sick of being like everyone else and being able to relate to them. Well, maybe not everyone, but there are certainly a few people I'd rather not be able to relate to. Like this insanely hypocritical girl I know. She talks about God all the time which would be a beautiful thing, but she is one of the jerkiest people I know. Her face often pops into my mind when I read verses about staying away from the wicked. Will I ever learn to love everyone? I doubt it. People are so weird and insane. Although there is a guy I know who has really stepped up to the plate lately. He's really taking God seriously and being a leader. I don't think guys realize how much they affect girls when it comes to God.
Anywho, Earth Day was Wednesday! Have I ever openly expressed my love for recycled paper? I don't believe I have. I'm not really an environmentalist at all but that type of paper is just wonderful. I love to write on it. Haha.
Well, that's basically all I have to say.
Much love,
Marissa :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
"It's the cliiiiiiiiiiimb."
Oh man, I hope you all had a great Easter! I did. All my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and nieces came down to party at our house. I was so sad when everyone had to leave, especially my sister. You'd think each time she leaves to go back to college it would get easier, but it doesn't. It gets harder. But 2 more weeks and she'll be home for three months!
God has taught me so much lately in the most real ways. I don't think I've ever truly believed the Bible was relevant or real until now. I always thought it was just some boring book you read to look or feel godly, but it's not. It's actually real. It makes sense. I've only met one or two people in my life who have actually personified God's words but they were the most amazing people I've ever met. It's like instead of things just being written on paper, they're actually written on your heart. For example, I've heard a lot of gossip in my lifetime and other people have heard a lot of gossip from me. It has hurt or ruined so many relationships. However, there is a verse in Proverbs that says "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out." My life would be so much better if I learned to conceal matters. That brings me to the next example. I said earlier that I've heard a lot of gossip, but I just said my life would be better if I learned to conceal matters. Why? In Matthew, it says, "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." I have to take responsibility. I have to remove the plank from my eyes first. You'd think it would be burdensome to constantly take responsibility, but it is so freeing. Instead of dwelling on what other people have done, I can focus on what I do. I can change what I do much more easily than I can control what others do. I could go on and on with the examples, but I think you get the idea. :)
Wednesday was tax day. I went to one of those tea parties. It was insanely awesome. I felt like such a hippy. Haha. Speaking of things related to politics, the elections at my school are this week. I'm so nervous. I have to write a speech telling people how wonderful I am. What a great Christian school I go to, encouraging pride and all. Ha. I have like 4 opponents, so wish me luck!
Wednesday is Earth Day. I really want to go see that movie called Earth. Speaking of movies, I also kind of want to see the Hannah Montana movie. Seriously. Not in like a "ha, I'm too old to see it but people will think I'm funny and cool if I watch it" kind of way, more in like a "It looks cute, not overly-produced, and I have a feeling I will cry during it" way. That song "The Climb" already turns my tear ducts on. lol. And while we're on the subject of movies, I saw Kung Fu Panda last night. It was pretty much awesome. Oh, and I forgot to watch The Passion of the Christ last weekend. I sound like such an avid movie-watcher, but I'm really not. I usually don't have the attention span to get through them.
Well, I have a ton to do!
Peace and Love,
Oh man, I hope you all had a great Easter! I did. All my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and nieces came down to party at our house. I was so sad when everyone had to leave, especially my sister. You'd think each time she leaves to go back to college it would get easier, but it doesn't. It gets harder. But 2 more weeks and she'll be home for three months!
God has taught me so much lately in the most real ways. I don't think I've ever truly believed the Bible was relevant or real until now. I always thought it was just some boring book you read to look or feel godly, but it's not. It's actually real. It makes sense. I've only met one or two people in my life who have actually personified God's words but they were the most amazing people I've ever met. It's like instead of things just being written on paper, they're actually written on your heart. For example, I've heard a lot of gossip in my lifetime and other people have heard a lot of gossip from me. It has hurt or ruined so many relationships. However, there is a verse in Proverbs that says "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out." My life would be so much better if I learned to conceal matters. That brings me to the next example. I said earlier that I've heard a lot of gossip, but I just said my life would be better if I learned to conceal matters. Why? In Matthew, it says, "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." I have to take responsibility. I have to remove the plank from my eyes first. You'd think it would be burdensome to constantly take responsibility, but it is so freeing. Instead of dwelling on what other people have done, I can focus on what I do. I can change what I do much more easily than I can control what others do. I could go on and on with the examples, but I think you get the idea. :)
Wednesday was tax day. I went to one of those tea parties. It was insanely awesome. I felt like such a hippy. Haha. Speaking of things related to politics, the elections at my school are this week. I'm so nervous. I have to write a speech telling people how wonderful I am. What a great Christian school I go to, encouraging pride and all. Ha. I have like 4 opponents, so wish me luck!
Wednesday is Earth Day. I really want to go see that movie called Earth. Speaking of movies, I also kind of want to see the Hannah Montana movie. Seriously. Not in like a "ha, I'm too old to see it but people will think I'm funny and cool if I watch it" kind of way, more in like a "It looks cute, not overly-produced, and I have a feeling I will cry during it" way. That song "The Climb" already turns my tear ducts on. lol. And while we're on the subject of movies, I saw Kung Fu Panda last night. It was pretty much awesome. Oh, and I forgot to watch The Passion of the Christ last weekend. I sound like such an avid movie-watcher, but I'm really not. I usually don't have the attention span to get through them.
Well, I have a ton to do!
Peace and Love,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Past Few Days...
Green hills.
No, greenish yellow hills.
A nice-looking cabin.
A bus.
Rude people in brown uniforms beating people down and commanding them to do humiliating things.
Cold-sweat, I'd-do-anything-to-get-away-from-here terror.
Something to jolt me from dream world.
No, nightmare world.
That's it; I had my first nightmare last night.
It was a modern retelling of the Holocaust. It was terrifying. I almost cried.
Anyway, it's Good Friday which, among other things, means that my sister and I are out of school. We're watching Gilmore Girls, of course. I desperately need to clean my room, though. Ah, where to begin. Let's see, D-Now was last weekend. It was so amazing; I learned so much. We went to the inner city to do a family festival. It was so cool. I was completely terrified at first, but there were no gun shots or anything, so that's always good. Unfortunately, I got about eleven hours of sleep and, though that's more than some got, I was still pretty out of it all week. Hence the messy room and somewhat lousy grades. My week started off pretty terrible as well. I overheard some kids making fun of this kid because he isn't as social as them. Though, in my opinion, I'd rather be less social that a completely heartless jerk. Man, I was indignant. I kind of wanted to claw their eyes out so everyone else would make fun of them for not having eyes. I cried. Well, more like teared up, since I'm not much of a crier. It still makes me mad. Of course, now I sound equally as jerky.
We had our first track meet Monday. It was approximately 37 degrees. I threw terribly. Oh well, we had another one yesterday and I was slightly better.
So, there's a lot more I could say, but I'm tired of writing this, so....
Much love,
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