Friday, March 27, 2009

For Real.

Have you ever heard the statement, "boys are stupid"? I have many a time. I don't really think it's true. Sure, guys do stupid things, especially in relationships with girls, but a lot of times girls are just as at fault. A friend of mine asked what the point of dating in high school is. She said that it's pointless, because it's all about drama and not at all about the person. I guess that's true. Anyways, dating is kind of annoying to me anyway(I know, ironic). Like I know this one girl who literally had a boyfriend within a day of dumping another guy. It makes me mad. I mean, I know I'm young, but I take dating pretty seriously. I'm not dating Cory to get attention, I'm doing it because I like him and he's fun. I don't constantly post pictures on Facebook or change my status to make myself seem like a... scandalous person. ha. But back to what I was saying, why do we say "boys are stupid" when one guy frustrates us. Why does every guy in the world have to receive a bad reputation because of what one guy did that may or may not have been bad? Why don't guys say things like "girls are stupid" when their girlfriends dump them? Some of the nicest people I've ever met have been males, and some of the jerkiest people I've ever met have been girls. Think before you speak.

So, this past week we've been reading The Diary of Anne Frank in English and studying Hitler and World War II in History. I know it's cliche to say it, but it really is interesting to study. We watched this video the other day in History that completely appalled me. I almost cried, not even kidding. It was a Youtube video of some old movie about Hitler, but it was in German, so the maker put subtitles and made it about Xbox and Hitler's disappointment when his account was deactivated. Are you serious? Hitler is possibly the most openly evil person to ever walk this Earth -he dismembered people and built gas chambers so the lucky dead people could turn to ashes and the living people could scream until their lungs filled with smoke and they suffocated- and this video turned him into some kind of joke, just a spokesperson for Xbox. That's just one example of the many ways people at my school have completely turned our studies into a joke. It makes me extremely angry.

Speaking of the Holocaust, I'm going to an exhibit about it tomorrow. I'm pretty excited; hopefully people at the museum will understand the gravity of it and not just laugh it off like it's a joke book.

Have you ever wondered why the world is the way it is? I have, and I think I got the answer the other day when a student in the band room said that A Haunting in Connecticut is based on a true story. Are you serious? Dead people don't come back from the grave and kill people or whatever else is in the movie. It looks horrifying. I saw the first seven seconds of the trailer the other day and I couldn't get to sleep for a good fifteen minutes that night.

Oh, sorry I only got to Day 4 of my Spring Break Blog. Um, on Friday I went shopping or something, then Juliana and Kendyl came over. We watched White and Nerdy about 77,889,457 times. We also watched videos about the Holocaust,The Great Depression, and The Scripps National Spelling Bee. I have such nerdy friends.

On Saturday, I went to Cory's where he taught me how to do a Rubik's Cube. True story. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

But Spring Break is over and this has been one of the worst weeks of my life. Seriously. It was terrible. I'm so tired of being around people and being forced to build relationships with them when I don't even like most of them. Oh, speaking of liking people, I read in one of Don Miller's books that people tend to like other people as much as they feel the other people like them. Isn't that interesting, but insanely true? But anyways, school was really lame this week. I'm ready for Summer.

Much Love,

1 comment:

snr4gvn said...

Thank you so much for realizing that first part. I absolutely hate when girls say "Guys are stupid", especially when I'm right next to them.