If you have an account on Face book, I'm sure you've seen this. Every time someone has tagged me, it has been as either the shy one or the geek. Psh, I blame both of those on my former home education :) Also -I could be wrong- but I think it should be "the one who," not "the one that."
Anyways, I'm sick. Well, actually I don't feel horrible, but my nose is runny. Ew. Sorry I haven't written in about 300 billion katrillion years. I've been super-busy with track, school, karate, church, homework, studying, etc. *Sigh.* I'm ready for some Spring Break! It's March! My Birthday month. Woot woot. Actually, not woot woot, because I'm not really looking forward to my birthday, but whatever. I finished my first research paper yesterday! Actually, I did one last year, but I never finished it because I was home schooled, and homeschoolers never finish anything. Ha ha. And while I'm on the subject of homeschooling, I really wasn't a hardcore homeschooler, because they are really proud of the fact that they don't wear pajamas while doing schoolwork or wake up until around 11, but I did both of those. However, I'm still virtually 96% more sheltered than the kids at my school. Not that I mind that. Anywho..
I really don't have that much to say.
Much Love,
i don't know about never finishing anything...but we [homeschoolers] definately don't finish research papers, book reports, etc. and
sheesh, how "hardcore" can homeschoolers get? i'm not sure... great, you've given me another thing to think about/contemplate...
but anyway, sorry your sick...
You're in track and karate? Wow, I can't see you doing either of those haha.
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