Hi folks! I'm not positive why I normally start my posts with that phrase, it just kind of comes naturally. As does "Much Love, Marissa" at the end of my posts. You may have noticed that right around the turn of the year, I tried out a few new sign-offs, but none of them really worked for me, so I'm back where I started.
We're out of school tomorrow, so I'm going skiing! Actually, I'd be going skiing even if we did have school, but I just thought I'd hit you with two positive things in one sentence. Anyways, it's my first time on the slopes, so I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited.
Today was a half day at school (thank goodness; I was having an extremely awkward day) so my grandparents took me to McAlister's afterward. It was swarming with people from my school, but it wasn't as awkward as you'd think it would be. Anyway, we chose a table next to a short dividing wall that separated us from these two guys. I know eavesdropping is generally frowned upon, but these guys really drew me in with their intellect and I couldn't help but listen. They spoke as if they had passed 6th grade English class, which is rare in the Southern portion of the United States. I felt like I was listening to people reading essays rather than having a conversation over sweet tea and French dip. It was beautiful.
Anyways, I picked up on the unavoidable portion of conversation that is dedicated to the economy. Eventually they moved from stock markets to Jesus. One of them was a Presbytarian minister and he was unloading his stresses and concerns on to his lunch companion. It was quite interesting because the minister is from the Northwest who recently came here to pastor a country church, and he was contrasting the South and the North. They were still chatting when we left, so who knows where their conversation went, but it was cool.
My sister came up this past weekend and introduced me to this hilarious guy on Youtube named Mitchell Davis. His channel is LiveLavaLive; check him out. Haha.
"Dare. Double Dare. Physical challenge!"
"That would be the best world in the whole world. Wait, that didn't make sense. That would be the best thing in the whole world."
"I was trying to be a Post-It monster."
Well, I have to go pack and all that fun stuff.
Much Love,
Hi Marissa!
Just wanted to say thanks for the encouraging note on my blog! Hope that God is doing great things in your life. :)
Have a great night!
hey darlling!! haha im glad you are enjoying mitchell.. im utterly obsessed still. ive seen them all at least 7 times:) yeah, what with me being his most loyal fan and all, i think the least he can do is,oh,marry me. i cant believe you went skiing and made it out in one piece! did you seriously go down those big ones? i barely did the bunny slopes and decided to go down the big one. woo that was a poor, poor choice- i sat down and slid the whole way.. and mallory has a hilarrrrious story from it too! anyways, this was long and i could have just called you.. oh well. i immensely enjoy reading your blog and i LOVE you:)
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