Hey people!!
Don't you just love weekends? They're so agenda-less. And we get three whole days of agenda-less-ness this weekend! Thank you, Martin Luther King.
My dad, niece, and I went to an art museum this afternoon. I was a little nervous, because I figured it would be full of really artsy, nerdy, cool people; so I tried to wear something a little bit more cool and artsy than normal(namely skinny jeans, flats, my somewhat-bomber jacket, and volumizing spray which is basically useless on my board-straight hair.) Anyways, my efforts were useless because there was hardly anyone there. It was kind of interesting because most of the paintings we saw were hundreds of years old, but it was also lame, because I'm a big fan of modern art and most of those exhibits were closed. Plus, we got there 40 minutes before it was closed and, seeing as we'd never been there before, we spent a small amount of time just trying to navigate. Oh, and this person dropped a piece of paper on the floor, and it was extremely loud and I thought it was a gunshot..scary! Nevertheless, they still had some interesting stuff and it was pretty fun.
For dinner, I tried out one of the recipes on vegcooking.com: Baked and Breaded Italian Eggplant. It was so good! It tasted like spaghetti. I've been trying out some really cool new foods this week, like homemade cream of mushroom soup, Pierogies, and tofu, which is slowly becoming edible to me. Cooking is actually pretty fun, as is eating.
Have you ever thought about tire marks on the road? It seems like every pair of lines has a story. For example, I saw these skid marks that started in the far right lane and, through a series of spastic turns, eventually ended up in the left emergency lane. This makes me wonder: what kind of car were they driving? why were they so desparate to get to that emergency lane? were there cars in the middle lanes? what time of day was it? how did they make it safely across all five lanes? how did the skid marks get there; were they pressing the brake the whole time? why didn't they feel safe gliding into the right emergency lane? was it just a flat tire? was their car on fire? were they panicking?
And skid marks aren't the only ones with stories to tell..think about people you see, whether you know them or not. Where are they going? From where did they come? What's their personality? Are they happy? Are they dating or married? Is that a purity ring, an engagement ring, or a wedding ring? Do they like to text? Why did they come to this store? What does their house look like? What is their family like? Do they have a lot of friends, or not many? Do they have Facebook or Myspace? What's their life story? Where do they work? Where do they go to school? What are they thinking? Are they a vegetarian? Do they want to be here? What are their religious beliefs? Are they having a good day? Are the same thoughts running through their head, only about me? Am I one of those people they have an opinion about, even though we've never met?
I know that makes me sound like a total stalker, but I can't help it. It's just the way my mind works.
Much Love,
haha whoaa, i never thought about the skidmarks thing before but it really is an interesting thing to ponder...
Fun thoughts. I especially like the thought of dressing up 'hip' to go to the museum. Maybe next time, you should dress up like one of those crazy old 'friends of the art museum club' ladies! ;) They usually have crazy dyed red hair, lots of costume jewelry, and a chain on their glasses.
I actually think about the last paragraph every time I see someone. My passion, if you will, is meeting new people and getting to know them, so when I first started thinking in this manner I was ultra depressed because I realized that I would never get to meet everyone. I'm one of those people who will talk about anything no matter how awkward (because I don't really have awkward moments) and I'll randomly approach you and start talking to you (while you're giving me this, "Who are you and what planet are you from?" look). I want to know everything about everybody and be best friends with everyone, so I naturally pay attention to what people do, say, and where they go. I know certain parts of peoples' schedules at school even though they've never told me (or even talked to me) because I see them in a particular classroom everyday. But I've learned not to ask acquaintances how that specific class was unless they've told me when they have it because they'll think I'm a creeper/stalker (which many people think I am, but I actually just pay attention to my surroundings). This leads me to begin a rant concerning a certain subject, but I shall do so on my own blog because I have already taken up too much room/time with tangents on your blog haha.
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