I've been reading through a lot of vegetarian sites this evening, and it has inspired me to share my thoughts on this subject. I'm still in the process of gathering them and I don't have much experience with the lifestyle and I'm definitely an amateur writer, so this won't be the best, but I like reading the thoughts of others and hopefully you do too.
Why did I become a vegetarian?
I thought it would be fun to try. This is only my 5th day without meat, but so far it has been really great. I don't want to make too big a deal out of it because it is, after all, only food. But giving up something that has been thoughtlessly consumed since the very early years of life will inevitably be accompanied by opinions, reasoning, and thoughts.
Why am I a vegetarian?
First of all, it takes a fairly high level of self-control. At least, higher than I'm used to having. It's hard to explain, because although I enjoy veggies and soy products, I still feel as if it takes some self-control and discipline to not simply eat anything at any time. I haven't done an extensive study on the word 'self-control', but I'm assuming it means "control of self." One of the few things in life we can control is what we eat, and I want to take advantage of that.
Second, I'm not gonna lie, I think it makes me cooler. I think vegetarians are cool, and I hope others feel the same way. I'm a teenager; I have to do at least one thing that I think makes me cool. Though I have definitely done more than one thing and I'm fairly certain my level of coolness hasn't gone up in anyone's eyes except my own. :)
Third, not only is it healthier, it requires more creativity. Instead of just throwing together a turkey sandwich or stopping by Chick-Fil-A, I've had to think of healthy, creative ways to avoid meat. For example, a peanut butter sandwich or a salad.
Fourth, the idea of eating animals is a little creepy. Honestly, it is. Eating something that was alive and well just a few months ago is a little odd. I definitely won't go as far as some websites, saying that killing a chicken is like killing a three year old child, but I don't exactly support animal abuse, nor is that a desire of mine.
How do my Christian beliefs affect my views on vegetarianism?
I believe God did give us animals to eat if we so choose. I don't believe eating animals is wrong. I do believe, however, that God is far more concerned with human life than animals'. As am I. If someone came up to me and said, "If you'll eat a burger, I won't shoot James," I would eat the burger in a heartbeat. If killing animals is necessary to feed starving people, I don't think that's necessarily wrong. There are bigger issues in the world than saving animals from being slaughtered, but I'm not an animal hater, so I'll do my part to keep them alive, because they're kind of cute. And life is generally one of those good things.
Basically, I like being a vegetarian and I'm pretty sure Jesus is cool with it.
Much love, many veggies,
Marissa :)
Hey, I just happened on your blog, hope that's all right. You've got to be the coolest vegetarian ever. There's too many 'militant' vegetarians out there. And the closer they get to veganism, the worse they get! I'm pretty sure Jesus is cool with you being a vegetarian too, and I'm glad you'd still eat a burger to save James from getting shot. God bless and happy blogging.
If the person in question whose life you would be saving by eating the burger's name was, oh, say, "Reno", would you still eat said burger? I would have to think about it haha.
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