- Running late. Admittedly, it is usually my fault, but it is still annoying.
- People who think their value and worth as a person lies solely in what they do, how 'cool' they are, or how they look, not who they are or how they act. But I'm definitely guilty of this, though I think we all are in our own way and on different levels.
- Kids who believe God has given them a gift for writing just because they can throw some emo words into a poem. I know I've written about this before, but it irks me a lot.
- Feeling limited in my creativity. This is a pretty big one when I sit down to write. I sit there knowing I have a hundred million things to say and absolutely no way to say any of them. I rarely even know exactly what it is I need to say, just that I have to say something before I coh-lapse. So then whatever I write comes out forced and unnatural. Needless to say, I've never tried my hand at fiction. At least not in quite a few years.
- Hypocrisy. Most people only think of someone as being a hypocrite if what they say and what they do follow different paths, at least that's what I tend to think. But I'm beginning to see that sometimes, two sentences or two actions can contradict each other. I think the former can be seen most clearly on the Internet or through texting. For example, let's say someone has really hurt me, so I send that person a text telling him/her how much I hate them and how they should kill themselves and I call them a bunch of terrible names, and then I get on Facebook and edit my status to something like "Marissa loves God so much and is thankful He is always there to comfort her." Isn't that sweet? Now, not only does the person I texted and whoever he/she inevitably told about my tirade think I'm a jerk, but now they get on Facebook and see that I supposedly love God.
- Simple mindedness. Especially at church. Give me something I have to ponder. Give me questions that lead to further questions, not just seminarical answers. (Yeah, I just made a new word. I think.) I'm pretty guilty of this, just taking things at face value and glazing over things I don't understand.
- Incorrect grammar and misspelled words.
- Yard work. Bees, sore knees, and planting trees or flowers makes people lose their own willpower. Proven fact.
- Not liking people. I wished I liked everyone, but there are just some people of whom I'm not particularly fond.
- Knowing Drake and Josh is on, but not being in the mood to watch it.
- Writer's block. Basically #4, but in cooler words.
- Arguments, debates, etc. I'm a terrible debater. I have opinions, but it's not common that I believe in something enough to argue with you about it. I have my convictions and my personal beliefs which sometimes are used as an excuse to do something wrong, but sometimes I just don't want to force you into thinking like I do. I enjoy getting along with people and, although I definitely have my argumentative moments, there aren't that many things I believe in enough to risk relationships. Okay, that and the fact that I'm a pansy.
- Thinking about things that annoy me. This list is weighing me down. I'd so much rather make a list of things I like than things I don't. That list is probably coming soon.
Haha most of those things annoy me too! Gotta keep a good attitude about it though!
#5! YES!!! I was recently on a girl's Myspace (she goes to our school by the way) which said that she was a Christian and loved God with all her heart. The catch: She repeatedly has premarital sex, gets drunk, cheats (I once overheard her say that it's not cheating if nobody knows about it. I said to myself, "That's so wrong it's not even funny"), and does other things that clearly are not actions a Christian should be doing. It annoys the heck out of me.
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