Tuesday, November 25, 2008

i'm psychic...like alice(?)

I'm writing this while taking a break from Twilight. I'm quite surprised to find myself reading it, actually. But my sister came home today (!!!) with a copy of it and I figured I'd read it.
So, Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Yay. Thanksgiving goes like this every single year: wake up at 9 or so, watch some of the parade, skip breakfast, get on the computer etc, start getting ready, skip lunch, finally make it out the door with the turkey and a random assortment of desserts made at 2 am or so, go to my uncle's, chill, eat, chill/talk, eat again(this time it's much less civilized and generally involves standing around a platter, using my fingers), finally leave, get in the car, discuss how much food we are going to have over the next few days, get home, eat most of said food thus leaving us with no leftovers for the remainder of the week, and after that it's pretty much a blur. I'm guessing sleep or a movie comes somewhere after that. I feel like a psychic, because I promise you this Thanksgiving will be no different. Great, now that I've written this, there's actually pressure for this to happen, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that.
Guess it's time to get back to Twilight!

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