I hope you've had a good week. This week was certainly interesting. It's been one of those soul-searching, conviction, and growth kind of weeks for me.
I spent my Sunday evening writing up all my goals for this school quarter. I think it's good to re-evaluate our habits and our direction and everything. If you ever need any inspiration to make changes, I recommend the Declaration of Independence. Honestly, it inspires me so much. Not to mention how beautiful it is.
I've missed Gulfport so much this week. I miss everything about it. Being the only child still at home really stinks sometimes. I'm all for solitude and meditation and all that, but sometimes I just need a lot of people around. Or not even a lot of people. Just 7 beautiful, honest, encouraging, Jesus-pursuing girls...in a little trailer...in a little town called Gulfport.
John 15:5 has most definitely been my life's theme this week... "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I remain in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Apart from Him I can do nothing. I can't depend on my cheap attempts at optimism to get through my trials; I must depend on Him for my joy. I can't depend on some hippie "peace and love" mentality to truly love and value people; I must depend on Him to give me love for others and to love through me. On my own, I am judgmental and make no effort whatsoever to be understanding of other people and their choices; only through Him can I have patience and eyes to see that the people I perceive to be just "jerk faces" are God's beautiful creations who have so much potential. People struggle with all different things, and on my own I spend all my efforts criticizing them and feeling hurt by them; only by His conviction and strength can I instead spend my time praying for and loving them. He must become greater.
That last paragraph was probably a bit vague, but it's pretty much a summary of everything the Holy Spirit has been teaching me this week.
I've been listening to really strange music all week... from The Weepies to Yellowcard (their new stuff is super great, by the way) to Superchick (if you want to start your day off right, they are a great tired-unmotivated-mad-at-the-world band... I mean, they themselves aren't like that, but they are encouraging to those who are! ha).
Oh! A lifelong dream came true this week. Ever since I met my four-eyed friend named Autumn in 2nd grade, I've been pretty much jealous of everyone who wears glasses. But not anymore! That's right; I have my very own! I didn't really realize how dorky and/or hipster they were when I picked them out, but you know.
Well, I need to go "get down" [on the floor buried in a pile of textbooks, that is] because, in case you haven't heard, it's Friday, Friday. ;)
Much Love,
Marissa Lanae