Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mocha Club

Hello friends!

I recently joined Mocha Club! I'm super excited, and I would love for you to join me in this exciting adventure. Mocha Club is an organization that provides food, education, water, and medical care for folks living in Africa who can't quite get those things for themselves. It's pretty easy to join. All you have to do is sign up! It's 7 bucks a month, and they take it straight from your bank account so you don't have to worry about keeping up with your payments and such. I know I sound like an infomercial, but I'm just really stoked about being a part of this. I created my own team and chose to support projects that help orphans and vulnerable children. If you would like to join my team (and I know you would), go to The name of my team is The Narwhals. :)

Much Love,
Marissa Lanae

Book Club 2010, Session 3

I have a confession to make; I did not finish reading a single book the entire month of March. I'm actually still reading the book I started in March, but you'll understand why it's taking so long once I write my review. It's pretty intense. I wouldn't bother posting this, but I din't want to get the numbers off and end up only having 11 sessions.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dreams, Nightmares, and Zombies

There are two things you should know about me.

First, I was never born. It's true. No one in my family remembers a thing about the day I was born. I've never even seen my birth certificate. Maybe I was just adopted.

Second, I'm secretly an old lady. It's true. I am the slowest person on the planet. I'm a slow learner, runner, walker, worker, talker, etc. I absolutely love going to bed super early. I drink coffee and tea almost religiously. I knit often. I have ridiculous old-lady medical issues.

Perhaps these two things are interconnected. Maybe I was never born, I just came into the world as an old lady. That'd be cool.

Also, zombies really scare me. You see, yesterday I was working on my insanely-long books-to-read-over-summer-break list, and I came across this book called The Zombie Survival Guide. At first I was ecstatic. It looked pretty much awesome and hilarious. I was planning it all out in my mind, how incredible reading this would be. Until, that is, it was time for bed. I was pretty delirious to begin with. And my room was a wreck, which always messes with my brain. Anyways, I got in bed and dozed off. Then suddenly I woke up completely disoriented. And terrified. I could hardly breathe. I think I had a nightmare. My first nightmare and I don't even remember it. Awesome. I'm sure it had something to do with zombies though. Those jokers are haunting me. To top it off, some of my sister's friends randomly decide to come to our house at one o'clock this morning. Crazy, crazy morning.

I was about to write about how annoying school-haters are. And those people who think they're really educated because they read those dumb books written by folks from shows on MTV. But then I remembered that usually when I say things like that, I end up doing the exact same things they do. So for the sake of my love of education and good books, I will refrain.

K-LOVE's pledge drive is getting a little ridiculous. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I used to love their pledge drives, but now they just make me cringe. On the bright side, I've had the opportunity to get acquainted with our local public radio station. It is so awesome. The DJ's are so awkward and funny, but they totally don't mean to be. It's great. They play absolutely everything except that awful mainstream junk. So for everyone in my surrounding area, you should listen to 89.9, aka WEVL.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I've been working on/planning out a bunch of new posts, so maybe I can get them on here this weekend.

Thanks for reading all about my weird life. :)
Much Love,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Walk in the Park

Hello, friends!

The other day my friend Autumn and I took a delightful walk. I decided to post a few pictures from our journey. I'm a little proud of some of these. :) I just wish they were bigger. Oh well. Enjoy!